Photo Diary

The Michael Jecks Pen – 2

The “Michael Jecks” is a lovely, moderately heavy pen in Dartmoor resin. It’s a resin that is warm to the touch, and very tactile, but it also means more to me because all my earlier books were set there on the moors. The colour is close to black in the gloom, but as it is struck by light, it suddenly comes alive with brown and gold flecks beneath the surface, a sort of peaty-looking shimmer. With those colours, it’s beautifully set off by the gold nib and clip, but also by the gold engraved autograph on the barrel and the DC for the Detection Collection on the cap’s end.

There are one hundred of these pens available – both as fountain pens or as roller ball pens. For those who are interested, contact me from my website and I can give details of how to acquire one.
As for the Detection Collection, the next author has already agreed to write a short story and is enthusiastically looking forward to working with Conway Stewart to design his own version. I have to admit I am looking forward to helping him on the project too, for he is a writer I’ve admired for some years. And after that? There is a lady I know who would, I hope, appreciate a fine pen as well, and Conway Stewart are very happy with the initial take-up of this series, so with luck there will be many more pens in future.
And so, on Wednesday 18th August 2010, I will be in Conway Stewart’s offices outside Plymouth to sign 100 copies of The Church House, a short story only available with the pen. For keen collectors of my books, don’t panic: this isn’t a Baldwin Furnshill/Simon Puttock story, but a modern horror story which seems to work, I’m glad to say. Maybe I ought to take up gothic horror tales . . .
No. I’ll stick to what I know best!Detection Collection

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